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pickup is
the all in one platform
soccer gamessoccer groupssimple soccer

Create & join pickup ⚽ games & groups - in as easy as 3 clicks of a button!



Pickup soccer player

Playing pickup soccer has never been easier! I can find and join games around the city effortlessly. I've met great people and now play regularly.

Highly recommend for all soccer players tired of texting group chats and looking around facebook groups for games!



Pickup soccer group organizer

This website makes organizing pickup soccer games so simple! I can quickly create and manage pickup games - under the group I had created. Now we always have enough players. It's brought our soccer group closer and I highly recommend it for any organizer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a pickup game?

How do I join a game?

What if not enough players join my game?

Can I edit or cancel a game I created?

Is there a cost to use this service?

Do you offer support for other sports?

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